2. The trust has been broken
Your employer will no longer consider you one of their trusted confidantes. If you have been looking for another job, then your employer will see you as less trustworthy than before and could view any dental or doctors appointments suspiciously which may make you feel unsettled at work.
3. Would you have received a pay rise or promotion if you hadn’t resigned?
It is worth considering whether you would have received this recognition of your hard work if you hadn’t handed in your notice, and if not – do you want to stay at a company that doesn’t reward its employees until they hand in their resignation.
4. Why did you want to leave in the first place?
While financial rewards are attractive incentives, recent research has shown that employees are most likely to look for new job opportunities that offer them better career progression. So accepting a counter offer purely for the financial benefits doesn’t mean that you won’t still feel dissatisfied in your role in a few months’ time.
An increase in job opportunities in the City
As confidence in the UK economy continues to grow, the number of jobs has risen in the first half of 2015. If you’re feeling frustrated in your current role, why not move to another more fulfilling opportunity.